Monday, 06 April 2020

ROSRAO was renamed for FEO

ROSRAO, keeping its leadership in waste management, announces an official name change. From now on, the enterprise will be called FEO, FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise Federal Environmental Operator).
The company continues to carry out activities to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, the integrated management of radioactive waste (RW), the elimination of nuclear legacy, the rehabilitation of territories and radiation monitoring in the Russian Federation.
The new name reflects the expansion of the enterprise. Being a member of two federal projects “Infrastructure for waste management of I-II hazard classes” and “Clean country” as part of the national project “Ecology”, the company is the flagship for the implementation of major environmental initiatives throughout the country.
FSUE FEO is carrying out projects to create a state system in Russia for the management of class I-II waste and for the restoration of accumulated environmental damage.
At the moment, the enterprise is a federal operator for waste management of I-II classes and solves a number of complex tasks:

  • creation of the state information system for waste management of I-II classes;
  • formation of a federal management scheme for waste referring to classes I-II;
  • creation of basic infrastructure for the processing of waste of classes I-II.

In addition, the company is working on the reclamation of the accumulated harm object - a city dump in Chelyabinsk and has been appointed the contractor to eliminate accumulated environmental damage at the Krasnii Bor landfill in the Leningrad Region containing industrial chemical waste.